Granny Square Project Day 3-6 and Weekend Update
It’s been a rough couple of days to say the least. On Friday, I took Kaylee to the doctor for her 18 month checkup. I can’t believe that time has gone by so fast. She got 2 shots and cried her eyes out until the doctor gave her a lollipop. Thankfully for me my tough little nugget barely ever gets sick after her shots. Me, on the other hand, I managed to catch a ruthless cold that won’t leave me.
In any case, I didn’t let it slow me down (well maybe a little bit). I finished a few more granny squares. I’m not up to the number that I want but I’m hoping to pick up some steam and finish a few more today.
In the spirit of trying to grow my blog a bit, I decided to start Meet Me Mondays. You can link up your blog and meet new people and check out some great blogs. Check it out:
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