Monthly Blog Income and Expense Tracker – Free Printable
As you may know, one of my “resolutions” for the new year is to try to keep my blog and business organized. I purchased a notebook and created a planner to help keep everything in one place. I recently created these Blog and Social Media Stats printable sheets for my blog and they have helped tremendously! Since then, I’ve moved on to managing my income and expenses. My accountant (aka my hubby) does my taxes so I wanted to be more organized and help him out a bit 🙂
To help me keep track of my income and my expenses on a monthly basis, I created these income and expense trackers! They are great if you want to be detailed about where your money is coming from and where it is going. You can download this free printable here.
Stay tuned because next I will be giving you a look at my planner and how I stay organized!
Download this free printable here: