The Natural World of Needle Felting – Book Review
Title: The Natural World of Needle Felting: Learn how to make more than 20 adorable animals
Published by: Jacqui Small LLP, an imprint of Quarto Publishing Group
Author: Fi Oberon
ISBN: 978-1-910254-58-5
Format: Hardcover, 144 Pages
Published: September 15, 2016
Price: $30.00
The Natural World of Needle Felting by Fi Oberon, published by Jacqui Small LLP, an imprint of Quarto Publishing Group, contains over 20 adorable needle felted animals that are extremely detailed and look like they are pulled right out of nature.
If you have ever wanted to try your hand at needle felting, this book has a ton of information and great photos to help you create an adorable needle-felted animal. Each project includes step-by-step written instructions as well as clear, detailed photos demonstrating each step, to help you successfully finish your project.
Fi Oberon begins the book with a short introduction followed by a description of what felt is and the tools, equipment, and techniques needed for the projects in the book. Here are the categories covered in Tools, Equipment & Techniques section:
- Wool
- Needles
- Choosing a felting block
- Getting started
- Sculpting
- How to structure
- Wet felting
- Adding colour
- Creating texture
- Creating character
- Wirework
- Creating sets
After covering the process of needle felting, the book moves on to the different projects, which are also divided into categories. The projects are rated from easy to challenging and are marked using asterisks. Here are the difficulty levels:
- Easy *
- Moderate **
- Challenging ***
Here is a list of the projects, by category, with the difficulty levels listed next to each project:
- Sussex Hen** & Chick*
- Ayrshire Cow**
- Swallow*** & Chick*
- Sheepdog*
- Cotswold Sheep***
- Rabbit*
Polar Regions:
- Polar Bear*
- Reindeer***
- Penguin*
- Goat**
- Fox**
- Hedgehog**
- Snail**
- Dormouse***
- Red Squirrel***
- Owl***
- Starfish*
- Seagull**
- Oystercatcher*
Take a look at a few of my favorite projects from The Natural World of Needle Felting:
Starfish p128
Cotswold Sheep, p 70
Owl, p 120
Ayrshire Cow p56
There is a really great list of resources at the end of the book as well as a glossary. You can also read more about the author, Fi Oberon, at the end of the book.
I really love all of the projects in The Natural World of Needle Felting and am really inspired to try my hand at needle felting! It has been something on my list of crafts to try so now I really have to get into it.
Thank you to Jacqui Small LLP, an imprint of Quarto Publishing Group, for providing me with a copy of this book for my review! Visit the QuartoKnows website for more about The Natural World of Needle Felting by Fi Oberon.
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