Get Crafty Friday {54}
Welcome to get Crafty Friday! If it’s your first time here, Welcome!I hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday and that you were able to share it with the people that you love. We had a great Christmas and Kaylee got A LOT of presents. She was so excited and has been playing with all of her toys all day. I will make sure to post some pictures later.
Before we start, I’m still offering 50% off all ad space on my page until the end of December (use code HOLIDAYS). I would love to have your button on my sidebar! Check out my “Advertise” page and see if my stats are worth your while. Plus, with 50% off, you can’t really go wrong =)
Now for this week’s features:
by: Cooking in Bliss
by: The Tip Toe Fairy
by: Mama to 5 Blessings
Make sure to check out these wonderful posts and leave some comments for the bloggers because we all love comments! Also, make sure you check out the Get Crafty Friday Features board on Pinterest
If you were featured here today, grab a feature button and display it proudly!
Now let’s PARTY!!!
Here are the “rules”:
- Follow my blog {not mandatory but certainly very nice}
- Please only add what you’ve made (if it’s made by someone else please don’t share their work)
- Link up to your post, not your main blog.
- Please try to limit your posts to 3 per person
- Please no links to your shops, giveaways, facebook pages, etc. Sorry but they will be removed if you link them up.
- Make sure to check out other links and make new friends.
- Grab a button or add a text link somewhere on your blog post or party page
- Share this party with others!
- Most of all…have FUN FUN FUN!
If you would like a weekly email reminder for our link party, please subscribe here:
By linking up to Get Crafty Friday, you are allowing the use of your pictures, if you are featured here. Please note that I will NOT use your pictures for my own personal use and I will ALWAYS provide a proper backlink to your site =)