15 Free Patterns for Crochet Dishcloths/Washcloths

15 Free Patterns for Crochet Dishcloths/Washcloths (Plus Bonus Patterns!) compiled by The Stitchin' Mommy | www.thestitchinmommy.com

I love making things that I can use around the house. I especially love dishcloths and washcloths. They are so quick and easy to make and you can use up any scrap cotton that you have laying around. Plus, it saves you from having to buy washcloths! I have compiled a list of 15 of my favorite crochet dishcloth/washcloth patterns from some amazing designers. Best of all, they are free!! I also have a few extra bonus patterns at the bottom 🙂 Enjoy and Happy Crocheting!

  1. Scalloped Wash Cloth by Heidi Yates
  2. Crochet Dishcloth by Rebecca Langford
  3. V-Stitch Dishcloth by Rhondda Mol
  4. Tropical Punch Dishcloth by Jennifer Dickerson
  5. Baby Crochet Bath Set by Kara Gunza
  6. Coastline Cloth by Danyel Pink
  7. Lazy Waves Dishcloth by Dedri Uys
  8. Poppy Nubbin’ Washcloth by Elisabeth Spivey
  9. Thick & Quick Bumpy Scrubby by Elena Hunt
  10. The Ups and Downs of Dishes Free Crochet Dish Cloth Pattern by Lorene Eppolite
  11. Colorado Washcloth by Sara Sach
  12. Scrub-a-dub-dub Washcloth by Marie Segares
  13. Scottie Plaid Dishcloth by Erangi Udeshika
  14. Honeycomb Scrubs by Kim Guzman
  15. Citrus Morning Washcloth by AG Handmades

Bonus Patterns!

Here are some of my free dishcloth patterns:

Cheerful Clusters Dishcloth


Seed Stitch Dishcloth

Let's Learn a New Crochet Stitch Pattern Kitchen Crochet Edition -Seed Stitch Tutorial and Dishcloth Pattern | www.thestitchinmommy.com

Linen Stitch Dishcloth

Let's Learn a New Crochet Stitch Pattern Kitchen Crochet Edition - Linen Stitch Tutorial and Dishcloth Pattern | www.thestitchinmommy.com

Easy Textured Washcloths

Easy Textured Washcloth - Two Free Patterns | www.thestitchinmommy.com

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